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Elk Grove VFW Post 2073

We meet at 1900 on the second Thursday of each month at the Veteran’s Hall at District 56, 8230 Civic Center Drive, Elk Grove, 95757. We are involved in community events, parades, funerals, etc. Contact us for more info.

Save The Date…

Were you able to join us in the rain for this year’s Veterans Day Parade in Elk Grove, CA?

We had a great day, even though we were soaking wet by the end of the parade.

We want to make sure to say thank you to our sponsors. First of all, the City of Elk Grove provided a grant to cover most of the cost of putting on a parade: things like insurance, porta potties, trash collection, public works for managing road closures and notification of the public of the event with their lighted road closure signage. And of course the police department for keeping everyone safe during the parade.

Thank you to our friends at our Cosumnes Community Services District (CSD) for all of their help with the set up for the ceremony at the CSD building, recording and editing the names of our local veterans that was read at the ceremony, as well as the use of their parking lot for staging and the use of Elk Grove Regional Park for the community hotdog BBQ. 

Thanks to the Elk Grove Lions Club, the Elk Grove Rotary Club, the Elk Grove Optimist Club and all of the volunteers on the parade committee who purchased or worked with local vendors to provide the hot dogs, buns, condiments, water and sodas for the free BBQ for the public. Also, they are the ones who cleaned up after the event. 

Thank you to the members of Soroptimist International of Elk Grove who returned again this year to decorate the reviewing stand.

Most of the volunteers are members of American Legion Post 233, American Legion Auxilary Post 233, American Legion Post 55, VFW Post 2076, and Marine Corps League Detatchment 1238. Of special note is Post 233 Commander D’Ann Moseley who led our parade committee to make this event happen.

Did you see the story from the American Legion’s National Headquarters about the Veteran’s Day parades and services throughout the country? There are a couple photos from our Elk Grove Parade including members of our Honor Guard. Take a look.  That story also features a short video with an interview with Henry Sanchez from Post 233. Great Video. Great job Henry!!!

Our parade planner, none other than Lynden King, who manages the applications for those who want to be in the parade as well getting everything organized at the CSD parking lot prior to the start of the parade. Not only does he manage this parade, he also manages the Parade of Lights which is coming up on the 7th of December, and he has managed the Western Festival Parade which we hope to see again this coming spring.

Save The Date

Upcoming Events…

February 1, 2025: The Four Chaplains Ceremony at the Veterans Hall at District 56. 

February 23, 2025: The quarterly American Legion District 6 meeting will be held in Elk Grove at our District 56 Community Center.

Handing Out Buddy Poppies
Memorial Day 2024 With Troop 555 & Post Members

Join Us

We meet at 1900 on the second Thursday of each month at District 56 in the Veteran’s Hall. Our social hour begins at 1800.

8230 Civic Center Drive, Suite 110, Elk Grove, CA 95757

We are involved in community events, parades, funerals, etc.
Contact us for more info.

Commander – Michael (Mike) Retzlaff,

Purple Heart/OIF-OEF Membership Campaign

Are you a Purple Heart Recipient or a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom? You may be eligible to have your first year’s membership dues paid for by the VFW Department of California. Be part of the oldest combat veteran organization in the nation.

The funding for this membership campaign will not last long. This offer goes fast. Contact us for more info.

Have you considered being a paid up for life member?

Learn More Here


Our Essential Offerings

Discover the valuable services and resources we provide to support and empower Elk Grove veterans. In a partnership between the service organizations, we have a great Color Guard/Honor Guard, a Four Chaplains Service at the Veterans Hall, Memorial Day Service and a Veterans Resource Fair at the Veterans Grove,  a POW/MIA service, and of course, a Veterans Day Parade with free hot dogs for our veterans and the visitors who come out to honor our veterans. 

Our Mission:

To foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans.


Our Vision:

Ensure that veterans are respected for their service, always receive their earned entitlements, and are recognized for the sacrifices they and their loved ones have made on behalf of this great country.


Our Core Values:

  • Always put the interests of our members first
  • Treat donors as partners in our cause
  • Promote patriotism
  • Honor military service
  • Ensure the care of veterans and their families
  • Serve our communities
  • Promote a positive image of the VFW
  • Respect the diversity of veteran opinions

Make a Difference Today, Join the VFW. If you don’t qualify to join the VFW, please join the American Legion and help us to help your fellow veterans! We have 2 American Legion Posts in Elk Grove. This link will take you to the American Legion Elk Grove website. From there, you can make contact with both Posts to find the one that fits your schedule and where you feel welcome. Post 55 meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month and Post 233 meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. 

Our Story of Service

For years, the local veterans groups have worked to earn the title of “Veterans Helping Veterans” which is a proud tradition that we are happy to be able to continue with the support of the Cosumnes Community Services District and the City of Elk Grove.

Have you visited the Legion Memorial Grove, next door to the Old Rhodes School House and the Veterans Memorial at Elk Grove Regional Park.  Those tributes to our veterans comes from Cosumnes Community Services District.

Not only are we blessed to have so many great local veterans groups to assist our fellow veterans, we are so happy to have a Veterans Hall at the Elk Grove Community Center. It is located at 8230 Civic Center Drive, Elk Grove, CA 95757. Each of our veterans groups have a presence at the Veterans Hall.

logo banners at District 56

We also are proud of the committment to our veterans shown by the City of Elk Grove. In addition to our Veterans Hall, we have a wonderful area dedicated to our flags at Veterans Grove at District 56. 

The City also supports us with a street naming program as well as the veterans banners seen flying along Elk Grove Blvd, Civic Center Drive and Bruceville Road. Read more about that below.

Not only are we known for our service to our Veterans, our community has recognized several of our Veterans as the Elk Grove Citizen of the Year

What about those military member banners and streets named after veterans ?

Many of you have seen and asked about the military member banners along Civic Center Drive, Bruceville Road and Elk Grove Blvd and wondered who at the Legion to contact to have your son or daughter or your dad or your mom honored with a banner for their service.

Well, that is another reason I love Elk Grove. Those banners are put there by our very supportive City, not the veteran’s organizations.  To learn more, click here. It only costs about $150 to have the banner made and placed. They are there for 1 year. After the year, the banners are presented to the veterans family.

Also, did you know that the City of Elk Grove often names streets after veterans. Yes, they do. You can learn more on the City of Elk Grove Website.

You can read more about the City’s support of veterans in the November-December issue of the Elk Grove City Newsletter as well.


Quilts of Honor November 2022

Presented by the Elk Grove Quilt Guild to:

Senior Vice Commander Janis Gannaway

Post Service Officer Rich Hussey

Past Post Commander Jason Goree

Support Our Heroes Today

Join us in our mission to empower and support Elk Grove veterans. Your contribution makes a difference. You will find a donation button on the local veterans websites where you can support them directly. Additionally, each organization holds resources fairs where local employers and service organizations can meet with veterans to offer their services.

Look for our next fundraiser so that you can help us help our fellow veterans.

Should I join the VFW or the American Legion or the Marine Corps League?

You may join any of the veterans groups for which they qualify. It is not unusual for veterans to be members in more than one veternas group.

The VFW accepts Veterans of the US Military who served overseas in a combat zone or received hostile fire pay.

The American Legion generally accepts Veterans of the US Military no matter where they served.

The Marine Corps League accepts only persons who are serving, or who have served honorably in the United States Marine Corps, or United States Navy personnel attached to the Marine Corps.

There are other veterans groups in our community. Learn more at ElkGroveVeterans.com